more than 7 years of coaching

Thriving Beyond Infidelity:

Start your 30-day journey to rebuild trust and breathe a better life into your marriage.

Rest assured that your marriage can grow stronger after infidelity by trusting expertise that’s already helped hundreds of couples…

michael J fit coach

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There’s only one true way to heal from infidelity and make sure it never happens again: change for the better.

So, instead of listening to bad advice that’ll cause you more conflict and hatred…

How would you prefer to know for sure that you can save your marriage and create an unbreakable bond?

My mission as a coach is to give you that guidance.

So, if you want to feel certain you can navigate through the painful process of forgiveness & recovery…

And come out with a better marriage filled with new opportunities.

Then let me show you exactly how to achieve that – just like I’ve done for hundreds of couples with the most hopeless cases.

What I’ve done for other couples…

couple coaching

Jessica and Alfredo were lost for so many years which led to infidelity in their relationship.
But I successfully helped them heal and rediscover themselves as a couple.

“Before coaching with Michael, my husband and I were not in a good place. We did not have good communication skills which caused us to have a good amount of problems. We didn’t know who we were as a couple or as individuals anymore. We lost ourselves in the many years we have been together. I had seen so many good reviews and testimonials that I decided to hire Michael. He did not disappoint! During the coaching, we each had one-on-one time with him during the week as well as a couple. In our one-on-one meetings, I was able to talk to Michael like I had known him for many years. He listened and made me feel heard. He helped me get my confidence back! As a couple, he taught us communication skills and gave us a game plan to help our relationship. We have had a couple of hiccups since then but we have been able to implement the strategies we have learned! I am glad I found Michael!”

Ricky and Cynthia were on the verge of separation because of infidelity but they did not give up
Now they’re having an ideal marriage they never thought was possible.

“Before even speaking with Coach Michael we didn’t really have much hope for our marriage anymore because we had trust that was lost and it seemed broken beyond repair. It felt like there was too much done to each other that having that ideal marriage we had imagined wasn’t possible. When we talked about starting sessions we were both a little skeptical because we had done counseling in the past and it wasn’t effective and ended up making things worse because it felt like the counselor only focused on one side of the story. Our whole perspectives changed after our first session after Michael helped us realize what we both felt was important and created a game plan on how to improve our relationship. His approach didn’t focus on a specific side, but on individual things we needed to address that were putting a strain on our marriage. 

After Michael’s session, we have been able to have more effective communication, which was a huge pain point for us. As for the trust, Michaels perspective helped us to reinforce what is important and we have made strides in rebuilding that foundation. Not only has Michael helped us improve in areas we were noticeably struggling in, but he also helped us bring to light unrecognized areas of improvement, which we have been able to address and make adjustments with. All in all, I would highly recommend Michael to anyone who may need a different perspective to help guide them through the journey of life. Because after all, life is a journey.”

relationship coaching
relationship coaching

Ricky and Cynthia were on the verge of separation because of infidelity but they did not give up
Now they’re having an ideal marriage they never thought was possible.

“Before even speaking with Coach Michael we didn’t really have much hope for our marriage anymore because we had trust that was lost and it seemed broken beyond repair. It felt like there was too much done to each other that having that ideal marriage we had imagined wasn’t possible. When we talked about starting sessions we were both a little skeptical because we had done counseling in the past and it wasn’t effective and ended up making things worse because it felt like the counselor only focused on one side of the story. Our whole perspectives changed after our first session after Michael helped us realize what we both felt was important and created a game plan on how to improve our relationship. His approach didn’t focus on a specific side, but on individual things we needed to address that were putting a strain on our marriage. 

After Michael’s session, we have been able to have more effective communication, which was a huge pain point for us. As for the trust, Michaels perspective helped us to reinforce what is important and we have made strides in rebuilding that foundation. Not only has Michael helped us improve in areas we were noticeably struggling in, but he also helped us bring to light unrecognized areas of improvement, which we have been able to address and make adjustments with. All in all, I would highly recommend Michael to anyone who may need a different perspective to help guide them through the journey of life. Because after all, life is a journey.”

David & Gloria might be camera shy
but I assure you that their intimacy skyrocketed after our coaching.

David & Gloria might be camera shy
but I assure you that their intimacy skyrocketed after our coaching.

I’m Michael: the coach that couples turn to when they want to recover & thrive after infidelity

And this is why they trust me as a coach…

For more than 7 years, couples from around the world have chosen me to find out what’s stopping them from reaching true reconciliation.

I help them work through the intense pain of infidelity to gradually rebuild trust again.

They trust me to do this for a simple reason – I understand that:

Just as your marriage is unique, the problems you face are unique too.

Knowing this, they reject the recycled advice and underwhelming results they get from other consultants, books, and empty promises.

Instead, they trust someone who experienced both roles – I experienced the agony of betrayal and the guilt of being unfaithful as well.

Where other coaches offer generic steps to shove as many clients as possible in their pockets…

I work with a select few couples as their dedicated coach to ensure the best results possible.

My strategies and the work I do with you are 100% tailored to your situation from start to finish.

It’s why many couples across the world trust me with their story and let me help them heal and live the marriage they’re meant to experience.

So, if it sounds like our priorities align, then you can get in touch by clicking the button below.

P.S. Please note that because of my focus on delivering effective results, I provide limited slots for clients. So make sure you save your spot.

Who I Typically Work With

Couples who have the guts to tell all and be completely transparent.<br />

Couples who have the guts to be 100% transparent.

Couples who are willing to do the work required to reach true reconciliation.

Couples who are willing to do the hard work to truly reconcile.

Couples who want real change and have a marriage that’s richer than ever before.

Couples who desire real change to have the best marriage.

From the many divorces I stopped… to the stubborn couples I’ve helped open up… to the most hopeless cases I’ve healed…

I’ve helped dozens of couples reach exceptional results they never dreamed of experiencing.

It was possible because I have a fundamental understanding of what works and what doesn’t when healing from infidelity.

And it’s this experience that will allow me to identify what’s blocking your healing process and transform that into a clear pathway toward rebuilding your relationship.

Our Process Together

Couples who have the guts to tell all and be completely transparent.<br />

Step 1

I’ll tell you if we’re a good fit

Although I’m confident that 90% of couples could benefit from my services, I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes I’m just not the right person for the job.

If I feel like you’re already on the perfect path towards healing, or if you’d be better suited to someone else, I’ll tell you.

You’ll get a full marriage audit<br />

Step 2

You’ll get a full marriage audit

To give you the best gameplan that’ll help you recover & heal from infidelity, I’ll need to know everything you’re currently going through.

When did the infidelity happen?
What have you tried so far?
How often do you dwell on negative emotions?

I’ll handle the questions… You just need to answer honestly.

I’ll show you what will work<br />

Step 3

I’ll show you what will work

After I’ve highlighted the best path towards recovery & rebuilding trust again.

I’ll direct you throughout the next 30 days to help you create the marriage you really want.

Read below to find out how I’ll exactly do that.

What I’ll Use During Our Coaching Program

Live Coaching Sessions<br />

Live Coaching Sessions

Mentorship sessions & lessons for you as a couple and as individuals.

These sessions will hold you accountable and motivate you to take every step required in the healing process.

They’ll also help you keep track of your progress and clarify what you need to do next to make everything go smoothly.

Unlimited text-support

Unlimited text-support

Have a question? A concern?

Need me to interfere during an argument?

Drop me a text whenever you need my guidance and I’ll be available to help.

Exercises & Guides

Exercises & Guides

You’ll receive guides and exercises that’ll teach you how to speak with your partner from the heart. Not just empty words.

You’ll learn how to listen and understand everything your partner is expressing & feeling.

This will help you create a genuine bond between the two of you.

Couples who want real change and have a marriage that’s richer than ever before.

12 Pillars of Life

Since I’ll work with you as a couple AND as individuals…

I’ll help you evaluate specific areas in your life that you want to improve.

Doing this will boost your life satisfaction score & you’ll be a much happier person for yourself & your partner.

You can sign up for Thriving Beyond Infidelity with or without your partner

If you’re not sure your partner would want to do the program with you…

Do NOT pressure them.

Simply invite them to join you in the consultation call. If they say “no”, then I can work with you individually. 

Ready to heal, rebuild trust and change your marriage for the better?

michael j fit, life coach and motivational speaker

World-renowned Motivational Speaker, 3 Time Certified Life Coach, and 2 Time Certified Relationship Coach.

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